Important Information
New students should:
- Submit CTC 2025 new students enrolment form (selecting the appropriate course from list)
Returning students should:
- Submit CTC 2025 returning students enrolment form (if you have previously studied with Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College (or The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa NZ – TCI, or Good Shephard College – Te Hepara Pai)
All students should:
- read the Timetables Click on the relevant section in timetables to find help with your selection of papers for Certificate and Diploma (L 5 & 6).
- read the Disclosure of Information Prior to Enrolment 2025 before you enrol.
- read the Fees section
- If you have changed your paper for any reason once you have completed your enrolment form please use this change form.
- Ensure that you have documentation proving your identity. These need to be certified.
Now you have decided to enrol, ensure you have the information you need before contacting the College.
Note: Entry Requirements for New Zealand Certificate and Diploma Qualifications Level 5 – 6
Open-entry to all students over the age of 17, who have left school and display a proven ability to cope with tertiary education.
This is open to students enrolled in University Colleges of Education (or equivalent) and practising teachers. There is a pre-service component for teacher trainees and an in-service component for qualified teachers.
- New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies (strands in Christian Leadership; Pastoral Ministry; Religious Education)
Intending students must have either the New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies – Christian Ministry or Religious Education; or a Level 5 Certificate in a similar area of study; or evidence of equivalent work experience and learning at level 5.
All students, irrespective of faith tradition or denomination are welcome to apply to study with us. Click here for more information on our Certificate and Diploma courses.
Please feel free to contact the Catholic Theological College team for more information or help in regards to your enrolment.
Important Information
Now you have decided to enrol, ensure you have the information you need before contacting the College.
When you make contact we will ask
- “What experience do you have of Tertiary study?” (You may need transcripts. Have you checked the section on Recognition of Prior Learning?)
- “What Programme of Study do you intend to follow?”
- “Have you chosen which paper(s) you wish to do?”
Check out Auckland Campus details
Ensure that you have documentation proving your identity and anything else required to show you fulfil the entry requirements for your chosen programme. Some of these documents may need to be certified.
If enroling for the Grad Dip Th or the BDiv you will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit, and you should be aware of the fees associated with studying.
Ensure you have checked out the date when your chosen paper commences and how long the period of study is.
Enrolment for Bachelor of Divinity & Graduate Diploma in Theology for 2025 now open
New Students
New students are to contact the Director – Dr John Evangelista – (contact form) to guide their application to enrol.
If you have never previously studied at Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College (or The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa NZ – TCI, or Good Shepherd College – Te Hepara pai) please follow this process:
1. Proof of Identity
Your Passport or Birth Certificate
- If the name on your application does not match the name on your birth certificate or passport you must also provide your marriage certificate or deed poll.
for Level 7 a second certified form of identification. Eg. A driver’s license, or ID card with photo is also required.
Passport-sized photograph (Can be posted/emailed to the Registrar, or taken at the College)
Your passport-sized photograph:
- Does not need to be witnessed
- Two hard copies or saved in JPEG file format
- A recent, full-colour photo
- A full-front view of your face, head and shoulders. Your eyes must be open
- No sunglasses may be worn. Tinted prescription glasses may be worn, provided your eyes are still visible
- Without hats, head coverings or head bands (except for religious purposes)
2. Eligibility to study as a domestic student
(Provide ONE of the following)
- New Zealand Passport or Birth Certificate
- Australian Passport
- Proof of NZ or Australian Permanent Residency
- Certificate of Citizenship or letter of confirmation
- Statement of Whakapapa, including date of birth countersigned by kaumatua.
3. Eligibility to study as an international student
Note: The College only accepts international students sponsored by a diocese or religious congregation
- A current Student or Work Visa
- Insurance documentation (Medical & Travel)
- IELTS results (as proof of language proficiency)
- If English, Māori or New Zealand Sign Language is not your first language you will need to supply test results from IELTS (academic). Minimum requirement of 6.5 in IELTS with at least 6.0 in each band.
4. Official Transcripts of prior tertiary study
To Satisfy Programme Entry Requirements:
- BACHELOR OF DIVINITY: Proof of University Entrance, or Official Record of your Qualification, or special admission from the Dean (e.g. mature student 21+).
- GRADUATE DIPLOMA: Academic transcript as proof of degree-level qualification.
For Recognition of Prior Learning
Students who have studied at other tertiary institutions. It is your responsibility to provide your official transcript as the College cannot request records from other institutions on behalf of students.
It is also a good idea to provide an Academic Transcript when you apply if seeking credit for previous study.
Certifying your documents
We cannot process your application if the required documents have not been certified i.e. proof that a photocopy is a true copy of the original document. (The only exception is your passport-sized photograph that does not need to be certified).
You can either:
- Take the original document and a photocopy of it to a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Member of Parliament, a barrister or solicitor, Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the courts, or
- Bring the original documents to the College and show it to either the Head of Level 7 or administration staff. A photocopy will be made and signed by the staff member as being a true and accurate copy.
Ensure the person certifying your documents states their title, stamps and signs the photocopied document as being a true and accurate copy of the original.
If you have any questions email us on admin@ctc.ac.nz or use the contact form.
All students should read the Disclosure of Information Prior to Enrolment 2025 before you enrol.
Links to the forms for enrolment into the Bachelor of Divinity or Graduate Diploma in Theology are shown below. Here is a guide to filling these out:
- Enrol Online now (new students)
- Once you have submitted your application form, you will be sent an email with the subject line “Catholic Theological College Application Received” with a link to the 2025 Paper Selection Form. Click on that link and fill out the short Paper Selection Form in order to choose your papers.
- Student Contract
- Student Support Questionnaire
- Enrol with UNDA by following these step by step instructions
- Note returning students once you submit your CTC enrolment form (returning) enrolling in UNDA courses is done through the Student Centre
- Read the Fees section
- If you have changed your paper for any reason once you have completed your enrolment form please use this change form.
To help your choices here is this coming semester’s weekly timetable.
Programme Requirements for Level 7 awards.
The two programmes the College offers have different entry requirements that you need to meet.
Requirements for the Bachelor of Divinity
To be eligible to enrol in the Institute you must meet ONE of the following requirements:
- Satisfy the requirements for entry to a university in NZ
University Entrance is the minimum requirement for entry to a New Zealand university. Once you have met the requirements for University Entrance it will appear on your Record of Achievement. This is the most common pathway for NZ secondary school applicants. - Previous tertiary study
If you have studied overseas or at another New Zealand tertiary institution the College will consider your admission based on your previous academic performance. - Special Admission
Special admission is a way to be considered for entrance if you are a New Zealand or Australian citizen or permanent resident, are 21 years or over on the first day of the semester, but don’t have a formal university entrance qualification.
Please note that Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College only accepts International Students who are sponsored by a Diocese or religious institution.
Returning Students: (if you have previously studied with Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College (or The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa NZ – TCI, or Good Shepherd College – Te Hepara Pai).
Level 5 and 6 students
- Submit CTC 2025 returning students enrolment form
Level 7 students with UNDA
- Submit CTC 2025 returning students enrolment form
- Enrol for courses through the UNDA Student Centre
All students should:
- read the Timetables
- read the Disclosure of Information Prior to Enrolment 2025 before you enrol.
- read the Fees section
- If you have changed your paper for any reason once you have completed your enrolment form please use this change form.
This micro-credential will provide specialised training and development for leaders and managers of faith-based organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is designed for those who wish to further develop their skills, as well as aspiring leaders who seek to gain the knowledge and competencies to lead faith-based organisations in the future including but not limited to parishes, dioceses, faith-based schools, healthcare facilities, and other related organisations and groups.
For more information click here.
This course is specifically for all those involved in ministry in the Catholic Church, whether in a paid or voluntary role. The course was written by the National Office for Professional Standards. Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College teaches this course in partnership with the National Office for Professional Standards.