Te Kupenga Board
Our Board is appointed by the Bishops of New Zealand and is made up of senior leaders from across the country.
Mr John Gallaher AFA CFInstD FCA ANZIM BCom (Otago)
John is Executive Director at Forsyth Barr and has over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry in funds and investment management, commercial and chartered accounting, management and banking. He is Chairman of City Forests Ltd, Mercy Hospital Ltd, and Fund Managers Otago Ltd, Deputy Chairman of NZCEO Ltd/NZCEO Finance Ltd, a Director of the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust Ltd, Forsyth Barr Group Limited and Grow Dunedin Partners. He also has an active involvement in the non-profit and sporting sectors as Chairman of United Way NZ Inc.
Board Directors
Rev Dr Timothy Costello SM BA (VUW), PsychD (Rome), Registered Psychologist (NZ)
Father Timothy is a priest of the Society of Mary. After some years of parish ministry, he studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome for the Licentiate (1985) and Doctorate (1998) in psychology. He was a full-time lecturer at the Gregorian University from 2002-2013 attached to the Institute of Psychology, the Centre for the Preparation of Seminary Educators and the Faculty of Canon Law (Jurisprudence). In recent years he contributed to the professional training of staff at the National Seminary of the Catholic Church in China (Beijing). He has also been Lecturer in Pastoral Theology, Ministry and Homiletics at Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College.
Matua Turi Ngatai MNZM QSM, Ngaiterangi /Ngāti Ranginui, Tauranga Moana
Turi is trained at Loreto Hall and is a former Principal who has leadership experience in both Catholic schools and State schools. Turi has 40 years’ experience in the Kiwifruit Industry and was instrumental in establishing the Māori Kiwifruit Growers Association. He is a director of the 100% Māori owned and operated Te Awanui Huka Pak and Chairman of its investment company, Te Awanui Capital Limited. His experience in governance includes membership of the Rotorua Energy Trust, Chairing the Fordland’s Community Trust, and involvement in the Tangitu Whānau Trust, Ohuki Trust, and Te Haumāruru Trust. He is Deputy Chairman of the Ngaiterangi iwi post settlement governance entity and the Runanga. He is a representative for Ngaiterangi at the Iwi Chairs Forum. Turi has also held executive management positions at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. He is a member of the the Interim Establishment Workforce Development Council for the Primary Industries.
Mrs Sandy Pasley BSc, PGDipSc (Otago), MEd (Massey)
Sandy is Principal of Baradene College of the Sacred Heart in Auckland having previously held senior leadership positions in a number of schools, including as Principal of St Mary’s College in Auckland for almost a decade, Deputy Principal of Birkenhead College on the North Shore, and Head of Science at Waitaki Girls’ High School in Otago. Sandy is a former President of the Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand, and in that role was involved in a number of major projects at a national level, including the Ministry of Education’s Review of Funding Systems Advisory Group.
Most Rev Richard Laurenson
Bishop Richard was ordained as Bishop of Hamilton in the Feast of the Immaculate, 8 December 2024. 2023. He is 4th Bishop of Hamilton, succeeding to the office vacated by Bishop Stephen Lowe, who is now the Bishop of Auckland. Bishop Richard has mostly been a Pastor in the Hamilton Diocese with various ancillary roles, including Military Chaplaincy, Teaching in the Formation of Permanant Deacons, Director of RCIA, Archivist and Chancellor for the Diocese, and latterly Canon Lawyer and director of the Tribunal Office in Hamilton. Bishop Richard earned his BTh at Otago (1993), and JCL at the Urbaniana in Rome (2010).