
Information on Theology Course Units

TH501 What Catholics Believe

Level 5, 10 Credits

Catholics hold certain beliefs which shape the way they think about themselves, God, other people and the world. Those beliefs are found in Scripture and Tradition, celebrated in the Liturgy, articulated by the Church teaching authority and witnessed to in the lives of Christians. Thus course explores the concepts and beliefs that have shaped the Catholic tradition and so provide a background to understanding Catholic identity.

TH502 What is Theology?

Level 5, 10 Credits

Theology is “faith seeking understanding”. This course will explore questions about God, Jesus Christ, creation and being human in light of scripture, tradition and experience. Students will be encouraged to explore the Christian theological Tradition and examine the contexts in which theology is done.

TH503 Church and Sacraments

Level 5, 10 Credits

This course will explore the major historical developments that have influenced the contemporary sacramental practice of the Catholic Church. It will examine some key cultural influences that have shaped and defined the Sacraments highlighting how the faith of the Church is expressed, nourished and strengthened in the celebration of sacramental rituals.

TH504 Catholic Social Teaching

Level 5, 10 Credits

Catholic Social Teaching outlines the moral teaching of the Church as it applies to public community issues. This course will give an introduction to the Church’s teaching on social, economic, political and cultural matters. Catholic Social Teaching assists the People of God to overcome the separation of Gospel from life and to integrate faith and life to help create a more just world.

TH505 Issues in Christian Ethics

Level 5, 10 Credits

Christian ethics seeks to respond to the often challenging human experiences and life choices and experiences from a faith-filled perspective. This course will examine the key principles underlying Christian ethics and morality. It will introduce the idea that the Christian perspective exists alongside other perspectives. It will also introduce students to some of the different approaches to moral decision-making.

TH506 He Timatanga – a Beginning

TH601 The Sacraments Today

Level 6, 15 Credits

Using a contemporary sacramental theology, this course will explore the place of sacraments within the faith life of Catholic communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course will offer a synopsis of the seven Catholic sacraments and examine how the sacramental-liturgical celebrations of the Church expresses the identity of Christian communities and shapes their sense of mission.

TH603 Renewing the Church

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course examines the critical historical and theological influences on the evolving understanding of the mission and identity of the Church since the Second Vatican Council. Students will consider the ecclesial and pastoral implications of the call since the Council to renewal through response to ‘the signs of the times in the light of the Gospel’.

TH609 He Turanga Whakaaro

Level 6, 15 Credits

This paper provides an advanced understanding of the Māori concepts introduced in the certificate. Through their engagement in the Te Reo journey, students will deepen their understanding of how this provides a world view that is the same, similar and different to their own and so gain a greater appreciation of the importance of their own story and its intersection with Māori world. 

TH620 Studies in Church History

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course explores the growth and development of the Christian Church as it responds to changing social, historical and cultural times. It investigates the dynamic nature of the relationship between the Church and the world. It examines the impact key institutions; movements; events and teachings of the Church have had on the people and history of their own time and on the contemporary Catholic Church

TH623 Ministry and Values

Level 6, 15 Credits

TH624 Theology for Religious Education: Special Topic

Level 6, 15 Credits

TH626 Theology for Ministry: Special Topic

Level 6, 15 Credits

Dogmatic Theology

D2000 Fundamental Theology: Faith, Revelation, Theology

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 Credits

This course introduces students to the study of Theology. It answers the question, “What is theology?” Working with the definition of theology as “faith seeking understanding”, it explores the nature of Christian faith as a response to divine revelation. The course explores the theology of revelation and the theology of faith, as these developed in the Catholic theological tradition and found modern expression in the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei verbum. Students will come to appreciate the role of the sensus fidei and the Church’s teaching authority in the expression of Christian faith. By the end of this course, students should have acquired elementary skills in theological method.

D2010 Christology and Soteriology

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 Credits

Details to be posted.

D2020 Ecclesiology and Mariology

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 Credits

Details to be posted.

D3000 The Trinity

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

Pre-requisite D2010 or T7231

This course investigates the biblical witness to God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It discusses the development of the conceptuality of the doctrine of the Trinity and some modern restatements of the doctrine. The course considers the significance of the Trinity in its centrality to Christian life and ministry.

D3010 Creation, Anthropology, Grace and Eschatology

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

Details to be posted.

D3030 Eucharist*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits

Details to be posted.

D3040 Holy Orders*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits

Details to be posted.

D3050 Ministry in the Church*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits

Details to be posted.

D3100 Sacraments of Initiation

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

Details to be posted.

D3110 Sacraments of Healing and Reconciliation

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

Details to be posted.

D3120 Marriage and Orders

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

Details to be posted.

Note: (* = 7.5 credits)

Moral Theology

M2000 Fundamental Moral Theology

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 Credits

This course examines the meaning and structure of the Roman Catholic moral tradition. Themes studied include: history and development of moral theology, the Christian conscience and its formation, discipleship and sin, the magisterium and authority, use of Scripture in moral theology, natural law, the role of moral principles and norms in contemporary moral theology.

M3000 Sexual Ethics, Marriage, Family*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

Details to be posted.

M3010 Catholic Social Teaching*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

Details to be posted.

M3020 Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

Details to be posted.

M3030 Contemporary Issues in Moral Theology*

Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

Details to be posted.

Note: (* = 7.5 credits)


S1000 Introduction to Spiritual Theology

Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 Credits
Details to be posted.

S2000 Studies in Spiritual Theology*

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits
Details to be posted.
Note: (* = 7.5 credits)

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Enrolment for Bachelor of Divinity & Graduate Diploma in Theology for 2025 is now open. Enrolment for Certificate & Diploma courses for 2024 is still ongoing.
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