Information on Scripture Course Units
SC501 Understanding the Old Testament
Level 5, 10 Credits
SC502 Interpreting the New Testament
Level 5, 10 Credits
SC602 Bible in Religious Education
The following course units “Bxxxx” go towards the Bachelor of Divinity or Graduate Diploma in Theology
B1000 Introduction to the Old Testament and the Pentateuch
Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
This course introduces the student to the Canon, historical and social background and literary forms of the Old Testament, with a particular focus on the Pentateuch. The course introduces major theological themes of the Old Testament as they are treated across the Old Testament.
B1010 Introduction to the New Testament and Pauline Literature
Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
This course introduces the student to the Canon, historical and social background, and literary forms of the New Testament, with a particular focus on the Pauline Letters. The course examines major theological themes of the New Testament as treated across the New Testament.
B2000 Prophetic Literature
Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
B2030 Synoptic Gospels
Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
B3000 Psalms and Wisdom
Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
This course involves a study of the New Testament writings associated with the name of John, emphasising the background and theological witness to Jesus of the Fourth Gospel, and considering the ongoing development of the Johannine traditions and community in the Epistles of John.