Liturgy and Spirituality

Information on Liturgy and Spirituality Course Units

S7102 Introduction to Christian Spirituality

Level 5, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit develops a comprehensive introduction to, and overview of, the topic of Christian Spirituality focusing on its biblical, theological and historical premises and practice from a denominational perspective.

S7260 Prayer and Prayerfulness

Level 6, 15 credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit focuses on the understanding and experience of prayer as a core element within the study of Christian Spirituality in a systematic and comprehensive way from a denominational perspective. The student will be introduced to the classic methods of Christian prayer.

S7350 Christian Spiritual Wisdom

Level 7, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
his course unit presents a developed and critical survey of the major historical schools of spirituality and prayer within the Western Christian Spiritual Tradition with particular reference to their writers and texts and explores their contribution to their contemporary expression of Christian Spirituality.

L7100 Introduction to Christian Worship (replaced in 2022 by L1000)

Level 7, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit introduces students to concepts that provide a foundation for the study of Christian worship. Look at what Liturgy – public worship – is, how it has developed across Christian history and study its underlying principles.

L1000 Theology and Practice of Liturgy

Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

This course will examine the Jewish origins of the Christian liturgy and the development of liturgical practice from ancient times up to the reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Council, noting the relationship between the lex orandi and the lex credendi. While the principal focus will be on the Roman Rite, a brief study of eastern rites of the Catholic Church will complete the picture of the Catholic Church’s liturgical practice. The reform of the other liturgical rites (e.g. funerals) in the West will be explored in the light of current pastoral needs. The course will examine the reception of the liturgical reform and emerging questions.

L7200 Liturgical Rites

Level 7, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit builds on the Introduction to Worship with a particular focus on rites other than those of Christian initiation. It enables sacramental and non-sacramental Christian traditions to study the role of rites in their ecclesial life.

L7220 Introduction to Preaching

Level 7, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit seeks to establish a theology of preaching that provides an adequate theoretical foundation to preaching practice and introduces students to the foundational skills needed for the preparation and delivery of homilies / sermons.

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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